"Aya, aya, aya!!" Calling the water, and the water obeyed ...
"Look at my hair!"
His walking is getting better and better each day. He likes to walk on his own, only accepting to hold my hand when he goes up and down stairs. He is quite a sight to watch, just to give you an idea: we walked into the supermarket the other day and three ladies were paying for their groceries. Mateo walks towards them, with much poise and confidence, and just as he were a rock star walking onto stage and waving to his fans, he started waving to them and saying "Hi" (or at least his version of the word). Needless to say, they all melted, including me!! :)
Which brings me to another point: Mateo the attention seeker. This baby is going to be a movie star with all the attention he likes to attract unto himself. He likes to make other people laugh or see them react positively to something he's done, and as soon as he knows what that is that makes people tick, he'll do it over and over again. Examples include flirting, shaking his head no, going around and around in circles and blowing kisses.
There are two new things he's been doing lately. First, is walking with one finger poking his belly button while he sucks his thumb (he clearly has a belly button fetish!!!). And second is going around the house with a set of keys and "unlocking/locking" the doors.
On Tuesday, Mateo went to his first concert. We went to see The Wiggles, which are supposed to be for babies and small kids what U2 is for adults. It was more of an experience for me than for Mati, since his attention would come and go in spurs. Kids were screaming out to the different characters as they came on stage (a la Beatles or Elvis!!), brought signs and banners, and just out right, got out of their seats to sing and shake their booties! It was very adorable!!
Mati was mesmerized the first 5 minutes of the concert, watching the lights and the four men dance and sing on stage (I was mesmerized watching Mati, I wish I had taken the camera to capture his focused look). After that, he wanted to get up and walk (it's ALL about walking these days - good luck to us on the plane in June!!). He then got interested again when four teddy bears, a giant strawberry, banana and apple, and a dog came on stage to sing. At the end of each song, he politely clapped or threw his arms up in approval. He also showed for the first time distress at watching someone get hurt. There was a giant balloon on stage which was inflated only half way during one particular song. Each of The Wiggles pushed it up in an attempt to get it upright but obviously it would come back down, "knocking" them down to the floor. While the older kids laughed, Mateo did not finding it amusing. He pointed at the scene and almost started to cry. :(
On a final note, Mati is a talker! He is attempting to imitate our sounds more and more. Over the weekend, he started saying "tao tao" for ciao, ciao. Yesterday Nico told him some word in French (I forgot which one) and he repeated it. His repertoire is increasing and we understand him most of the time.
Today is my meatloaf's 16th monthary. Where did this past month go???? Enjoy the weekend ahead and some more pictures from our trip to Pescadero below!
"A big hello to all my fans!"
"Hello, hello."
"Did that bird just say hello?"
At the hotel
1 comment:
en regardant toutes ces photos et en essayant de lire,je dis bien essayer de lire tout le texte en anglais de ta maman,je pense!!!!
je pense que tout cela t'amusera bien quand tu reliras dans 10 ans,
je pense que ta chérie sera bien émue quand tu lui offriras ton blog en cadeau de mariage,
je pense que tu seras bien content de le relire quand ton fils te demandera ce que tu faisais à 14 mois!!!mais je pense aussi que tu es un bébé choyé,non pas "gaté -pourri",comme on dit en francais,mais choyé,avec une maman qui te consacre tout son temps,un papa qui fait ce qu'il peut avec son boulot,mais qui occupe tous ses week end à essayer de te faire découvrir le monde,et c'est surement ce qui a du lui manquer,et donc en recompense quand tu liras seul ces lignes ,n'oublie pas d'aller leur faire un gros bisou
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