Mateo had his 15 month doctor visit last Thursday. He got vaccinated, weighed and measured. At 15 months, Mateo weighs 22 lbs and measures 31 1/2 inches (80cm).
He is going full speed with the walking. There are two problems with this. First, when he falls, he doesn't know how to get up again without holding on to something or someone. I need to work on this with him, although I think it's coming on its own. I observed him today and he is close to getting there. Second, he has taken some nasty falls. He had a bloody lip and a black eye last week. Nothing yet this week ... crossing my fingers it'll stay like that.
We had a very enjoyable weekend because we finally got to spend it with Nico!! Hurray, hurray, no more working during the weekend! We celebrated by going to the new Ferry Building in SF and strolling around the Piers. We thought Mateo might like the sea lions out on Pier 39, but he was totally unimpressed. However, the sea gulls, well, that's a different story!
I am still taking Mati swimming every week and he enjoys the water VERY much (who wouldn't, the pool is heated to 94F!!!). He throws himself in when I sit him on the edge of the pool and actually likes to go under.
Some more shots of Mati on the go.
I absolutely LOVE this picture. His look is that of a little boy and no longer a baby ...
Lovefest for Dad!!
Tickle, tickle, tickle!!!
Alors Nico, Maty a remarqué que tu avais un double menton!!!!!
coucou mon grand garçon,puique ta maman dit que maintenant tu n'es plus un bébé,en tout cas c'est ce que j'ai compris ,parce que ton blog ,c'est mieux que mon cours d'anglais à la fac! c'est aussi que je n'y vais jamais.j'esppère que cet été ,il fera beau et que tu pourras profiter de la piscine aussi chaude que la tienne!est ce que je peux récupérer les photos pour mettre sur la page de mon ordi,ou alors demande à ta maman qde me les envoyer comme d'habitude.fais bien attention en marchant ,sinon tu ne pourras pas draguer les petites filles avec une tete de gangster
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