Saturday, November 28, 2009

Playdates with Isabel

In an attempt to diversify Mateo's friends and control his temper, we've been having more playdates with Isabel. Isabel and Mati have been taking yoga classes together for about 2 months now and have slowly developed a nice friendship. For Mateo, it's a nice break from his usual school buddies and his behavior is very different when he's around Isa: he's more controlled and gentle.

Isabel herself is an adorable 3 year old. Her mom, Patrycja, is a good friend of mine, and she's very hands-on when it comes to raising her daughters. We see eye-to-eye an a lot of things: alternative medicine, use of cloth diapers, using eco-friendly products, and above all, the values we want to install in our children, such as compassion, respect, etc.

Here are a few pictures she took at a couple playdates we've had recently.
Playtime at Parque de la 93
An unwilling to share Mateo: "It's MY truck!"

At Bagatelle del Campo - a wonderful restaurant outside of Bogota, with a magnificent play area for children!

Smelling the flowers

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