Thursday, November 6, 2008

Santiago is 11 weeks!

Wow ... what a week!!! 

At home, it has been a week of celebration.  For starters, Santi FINALLY accepted napping and is doing so like a pro!  What a relief for me, his nannies and HIM.  Then, he further surprises me by sleeping through the night (5 weeks later than his brother, but who's counting, right?) - a full 10 hours!  Too much bliss for one week; I'm apprehensive that things will go back to the way they were, but so far so good.  Also, his dermatitis is cured and he's looking soooo handsome, especially when he flashes those ear-to-ear smiles!

And then Obama wins the Presidency!  I feel inspired, optimistic and proud to be an American. Above all, Obama's sweeping victory marks a new era, one which will form the political consciousness of my boys and will shape the boundaries of the possible.  I am more confident now that Mateo's and Santi's future will be brighter and that they will have the tools to heal the mistakes of the past generations.  So to wrap this week up, like William Wordsworth said about the French Revolution: "Bliss it was to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."  

Smiling while sleeping ... what innocence!

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