Monday, September 8, 2008

A Day in the Life of Santi

Wakes up, feeds, burps, poops, feeds again, poops again, sleeps. He sometimes stays awake for a while, absorbing the images and sounds around him, especially during bath time. Santi relaxes a lot in the water and it's clear he enjoys it more when his big brother isn't around screaming his head off because he doesn't want to bathe!!

Unfortunately, the little fellow has been experiencing periods of gas or colic (already!!), especially in the early evenings. My mom usually takes care of him during that time, patting his back and his booty and patiently waiting for the gas to come out. But otherwise, he's a pretty mellow baby, just like Mateo, and has me over the moon in love with him!!! (Same goes for the other boys in my life!!!)

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