Mati has officially started to "speak" in English. His vocabulary is pretty limited but he loves to say "Yeah" and "No". We are slowly teaching him more words and encouraging him to embrace this third language, which he is doing very well. We are impressed by his ability to recognize the different languages he is exposed to. As soon as he hears Nico and I speaking in English, he'll start saying "Yeah", when he talks to Nico he'll switch to French and to Spanish when he talks to me. It is certainly wonderful to be young and have a brain that absorbs and processes EVERYTHING!
Mati continues his soccer classes and loves them! We are hoping to get some video of him playing and upload it on the blog, hopefully we'll come around to this next week!! He has also developed a love for toy vacuum cleaners (he is still a bit scared of the real one!). My mom made him VERY happy by getting him one and he goes around the house vacuuming here and there.
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