After recuperating from his cold and teething issues, his apetite and happiness are back. He's still kicking those balls, spinning those wheels, and fascinated with Popi and Noukie. He has started to do little gallops when he gets excited and is slowly starting to run. He is increasingly signing, especially the sign for "MORE" --> when Dad or Tio Brandon throw him up in the air, when I dance with him and whirl him around, when he wants more food, more Popi, more Noukie, more ......
From being shy and glued to me a couple of months ago, he is slowly coming to terms with himself and gaining self-confidence. He therefore ventures out from the comfort of mommy to seek the attention of others and absolutely loves it when people talk to him and praise him when he does ANYTHING. He is very friendly and people constantly tell us he talks with his eyes ... how poetic!
Finally, Mati has been spending more and more time with his Tia Mumu and Tio Brandon (he now also says "Tia"). They have babysat the prince on a couple of occasions and Mateo accepts them very well. Nico and I are very happy that he'll be able to spend time with other family members on a regular basis, extending his circle of trust beyond mommy and daddy and knowing his family beyond just pictures. We are also happy because we have reliable babysitters who we can trust 100% - no need to be checking the cell phone every hour!
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