Friday, August 30, 2013


1. The boys and I were discussing the importance of doing math and of embracing the mistakes they make, as they are opportunity for mental growth. So on Tuesday when Santi was at his Kinder orientation at the new school, he told me he had to stop doing his math homework because his brain was so big, his name tag necklace didn't fit through his head!!!!

2.  Mateo is curious about everything and is now much more logical with his reasoning. Nico had explained to him very briefly how babies are made:  the daddy puts a seed in the mommy and the baby grows in the mommy's belly. Out of the blue, he asks me where that "daddy" seed is. I tell him that it's in the belly. And then he asks me how the daddy puts it inside the mommy. After nearly chocking and stalling, Santi says very matter-of-factly:  the mommy and daddy roll around together and the daddy seed goes in the mommy's belly. Mateo didn't accept that answer. I started cracking up and said that more or less Santi was right. Mateo looked stunned and persistent in knowing how the daddy seed went inside the mommy. I was searching my brain for some scientific explanation which would quench his desire without revealing much more but couldn't so I just said that the mommy swallowed the seed!! Lame and sad I know but I couldn't think of anything age appropriate to say. Any suggestions??

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Precious (hahaha!!!) Moments

Santi, Santi, Santi.  Such a little bundle of energy full of mischeviousness.  

When we first arrived to the Bay Area, we rented a house.  The boys were misbehaving so Nico put them outside to calm themselves down.  BIG, HUGE mistake that Nico put them out with their ball.  Santi told Mati, "Don't worry Mati (Mati was having a drama-queen meltdown that they were outside!!), I'll get us back inside!"  And with that, he threw his ball to one of the windows, shattering it.
Price to get it fixed on a Sunday, in the middle of winter: $130.

Yesterday, Santi was doing his business in the bathroom.  I presume that when he set out to cut the toilet paper, the toilet paper roll rolled from his hand and went all over the bathroom.  To cover his tracks, he decided to put all the fallen sheets (and there were a lot of them!!!) in the toilet ... and flush!! Well, the toilet over flooded!  Water just kept on coming and coming out of the toilet, flooding the hallway and two rooms.
Price to dry the floors and prevent mold and mildew: $1300.  

Hopefully the next bill we'll have to pay from this little guy won't have another "0" added to the end!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Water Babies

This summer was hotter than previous ones and that meant many lazy afternoons poolside. The boys really enjoyed the water, the endless hours playing with each other and with the tios, Tia and Benito. Their backs and arms have been sun kissed and are looking more handsome than usual!!
Synchronized swimmers practicing their routine

Summer Fun at the Fair

I took the boys out of summer camp one Friday and took them to an all American tradition: the summer fair. The rides, the lemonades, the heat: it all equalled great fun and some pretty tired kids ... and mommy!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tilden Hike

Mati and Santi rock!  Literally.  We took them on a hike, about 3.5 miles up to Wildcat Canyon View in Tilden Park.  It's a moderate hike for adults, but rather strenuous for little legs.  We did it in about 2.5 hours.  They collected crystals, ate wild blackberries, climbed trees, drew, saw insects and animals and admired the view ... and yes, they complained a bit.  Specially Santi who ran up the first 20 minutes of the hike!!

Memorial Day Weekend with Tio Cucu

One of the most special things about being back in California is being close to family again.  About two weeks ago, my brother came up for the weekend and the boys LOVED having him here.


Playing Wii at Home

Happy Father's Day!


We are lucky, but more so my boys, to have such a loving and giving Father.  I asked them today why they loved their Daddy, and here's what they said:
  1. "Because when he comes home from work, he always gives us a hug."
  2. "He reads to us every night."
  3. "He gives me good advice."
  4. "He plays soccer with us."
  5. "He takes us nice places."
  6. "He makes pancakes for us ... with chocolate chips!!"
  7. "He protects us."
Nico is away in London today.  And even though the boys didn't have the chance to tell him all of this, I know he knows that they treasure every day with him.  We love you!!