Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sunday, August 26, 2012.  After having a family movie night (we watched "Despicable Me"), Mateo decides he can't go to sleep because, all of a sudden, his mind is engulfed with visions from "Tangled's" witch, a movie he watched 2 years ago!!!  He claims he can't put the image out of his mind and wishes he could sleep with Santi and that "please don't ever separate me from Santi!"  Bizarre request when his usual complaint is that he wishes he never had a brother!  Since it's Sunday night and Santi was to start full day Pre-K the next day, I try to comfort him and tell him everything would be okay.  About an hour and a half later, when I enter his room to make him go pee, he's gone and cozily sleeping in his brother's bed.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What we did over our summer vacation.

We are truly a blessed bunch.  We got to travel to Europe and California for our summer vacation and spend it with people who spoil us to death and love us dearly.  

Weather never seems to cooperate with us when we go to France.  We tend to attract the rain and cold, but when you are 3 and 6 years young that doesn't seem enough to stop the endless energy. AND, we did manage to eat ... a lot of all those wonderful things the French are famous for: bread, cheese, honey, and my particularly favorite: Petit Prince cookies!!! The boys got to connect again with the family horses and with the ponies they rode twice a week.  This year pony riding was more rigorous and they built a loving bond with the animals: they had to brush them before and after riding them, saddle them and at the end give them a little snack.

Perhaps the most precious part of the summer in France was the bond that was developed between the cousins.  They got to play, swim, bathe and fight with each other!!  Similarly in California, the sharing of everyday life with Abuelita, the Ti@s, and Benito is priceless.  We hope next year we'll continue to blessed with all this family and good fortune!!

The horse series

A little bonding time before riding Caramel


A miracle picture: having all four of them in the same place at the same time and without moving!
The Soccer Series

Soccer turned into a bit of a wrestling match!

This is the BEST way to come down the skating ramp.  Holes in bathing suit guaranteed!

Splashing in Archachon
Jumping for joy!


Tickle, tickle Tio!

El Messi-cano hitting the soccer ball with his head - the skill he was practicing that day.
Lagartijas al sol
The Benito Series
Benito, el guapito. 

Sea World, San Diego