When I was trying to console Mateo, I told him he looked just like his Uncle Christopher, who recently also had a (MAJOR) biking accident, but somehow, Mati didn't find it amusing.
It's been a busy month so far. But here are some updates on the little guy:
1. Talking - yup, still doing tons of that!! His English has improved dramatically and he constructs sentences with words like "because" or "so". His Spanish is also doing great, his sentences are getting longer and he's able to interact more and more with people. His French has taken a toll, however. With Nico's long absences nobody has been around to reinforce the language, but his version of Frere Jacques is to die for!
2. Singing - He's a singing machine!!! His favorites: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley, Te Quiero by Flex , You Are My Sunshine, Hello Everybody from his Music Together class. He is very interested in knowing the artists singing. He has a very keen ear: if we are listening to the radio, he'll pick up on songs from Juanes or Mana even if I haven't pointed them out to him before. And related to this, he is also aware when people around him are not speaking in one of the languages he knows. He'll ask me what they are speaking. Recently, we've been hearing a lot of Japanese in the park and one day out of the blue, he starts talking in what seemed to me to be baby talk, but he turns around and tells me he's speaking in Japanese!
3. Imagination - he has tons of it and I'm really happy for it. He loves to talk with his stuffed animals, make car, ambulance, fire truck, etc, noises, make simple story plots. We don't know if all this imagination is a product of keeping him away from the TV or just normal for a child his age, but his mind is certainly very curious about the world around him.
4. Climbing ladders - he's become very agile in this regard (finally!!).
5. Still loving the baby in Mommy's belly - although he sometimes does get a little rough and will slap my belly or ram his head in! I think he'll really enjoy his brother and will be nothing but sweetness to him.
We're off to Orange County this weekend for a week and when we get back, it'll be a race to get everything organized for the big move. I can't believe our stay here is rapidly coming to an end ...