Mateo is expecting, or so he told us!! He points to his belly and says he has a baby. Sometimes when we ask him the name of his baby he says "Nena" or yesterday he said it was "Nico". I think he got this from seeing a couple of my friends who ARE pregnant and he was fascinated with knowing they had a growing baby in their bellies. His imagination is precious!
We all know about Mati's fascination with cars and all modes of transportation, but I'm really surprised on his ability to distinguish three different types of cars, especially since NOBODY coached him on it!! These are: 1) Subaru Outbacks, which are "Mateo's car"; 2) VW Jettas, which are "Papa's car" or "Tia's car"; and the most surprising of all, 3) Toyota Hybrids, which he calls "Emile's car" or "Mamounette's car" (those are his paternal grandparents). I can understand how he picked up on 1 and 2, but to recognize Toyota Hybrids is really amazing!!! When Nico's parents were here in August, we went with them to pick up their rental car, a Toyota Hybrid. Mati must have seen the car once or twice - I guess enough to make an imprint in his mind!!
We've been getting quite a dose of "Yo solito" lately (I can do it alone). Going up and down the stairs is a solo affair now, as is eating - for the most part. He has started to show interest in putting on his shoes, but thankfully hasn't gone ballistic over not being able to do so. He is slowly becoming an independent little person, which is both relieving and saddening. Relieving because I certainly do hope he becomes a confident and independent boy but sad because I'm loosing my baby!!! He pushes me away (okay, only sometimes, but it seems like a lot of times to me!!) when I try to kiss him. Cuddling is almost a no-no now, except at night time, when he's tired or when he gets hurt! He is growing up, before I know it he'll be off to college .... (a lot of mama drama here!!)
Mateo went to his 2nd year check up with his doctor. I'm glad that his weight has finally picked up and he's now average (50% percentile) for his age, though his height remains above average, in the 75th percentile (weird, since neither Nico nor I are particularly tall people!). So, as any good mother, obsessed with the growth of her little man, I'm reporting vital statical information: he weighs 28lbs and measures 35 inches.
Have a good weekend and .... GO BEARS!!!!!